Rockport Women's Kacey Penny Loafer Flat, Black Patent, 6.5 A Womens Loafers & Slip-Ons In amazon recensioni-prezzi-cronologia
Rockport Women's Kacey Penny Loafer Flat, Black Patent, 6.5 image_0

Rockport Women's Kacey Penny Loafer Flat, Black Patent, 6.5

$60 - $99.95

Media $78.32

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Valutazione 4

Loafers elevated, literally. Our Kacey penny loafers for women get a stylish lift with a lug sole. The lug design not only gives the shoes eye appeal — it adds traction too. The outsole’s hand-finished stitching accents the smooth upper, and shock-absorbing heel cushioning brings added comfort to every step you take.

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