O'SKOOL 6-1/2" Router Acrylic Universal Base Plate Fits Router Porter-Cable, Ryobi, Bosch, Makita, Hitachi, Dewalt,Milwaukee,Sears på Modèles pour toupie i amazon anmeldelser-pris-historie
O'SKOOL 6-1/2" Router Acrylic Universal Base Plate Fits Router Porter-Cable, Ryobi, Bosch, Makita, Hitachi, Dewalt,Milwaukee,Sears image_0

O'SKOOL 6-1/2" Router Acrylic Universal Base Plate Fits Router Porter-Cable, Ryobi, Bosch, Makita, Hitachi, Dewalt,Milwaukee,Sears

$23.39 - $26.99

Gjennomsnitt $25.89

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Vurdering 43

This convenient woodworking tool adds precision to your routing applications as you work freehand with a handheld router, while you can find the model of your router and the corresponding letter that accommodates a wide assortment of standard routers. This universal router base plate Ideal for edge routing with bits that are on both straight and curved edges. Maintenance: Carnauba wax applied to the base plate will reduce the opportunity of scratching. If scratching occurs, careful use of a plastic polish will remove them. Works with 1/4" router collets For use with 5/16" to 5/8" inner diameter template guide bushing

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