7 Inch Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi, Portable IPS Display 1024 * 600 HDMI Touchscreen with Case, for Gaming Consoles/PC/Camera/Win OS/Raspberry Pi 5/4 a les Computer & Zubehör en amazon crítiques-preu-historial
7 Inch Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi, Portable IPS Display 1024 * 600 HDMI Touchscreen with Case, for Gaming Consoles/PC/Camera/Win OS/Raspberry Pi 5/4 image_0

7 Inch Touch Screen Monitor for Raspberry Pi, Portable IPS Display 1024 * 600 HDMI Touchscreen with Case, for Gaming Consoles/PC/Camera/Win OS/Raspberry Pi 5/4

€53.99 - €65.99

Mitjana €60.92

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