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Cathy's Curse [Blu-ray]

$12.2 - $39.12

평균 $18.20

Review “IT SIMPLY NEEDS TO BE WITNESSED, LIKE A TWO-HEADED BABY IN A JAR.” ---Final Girl “ESSENTIAL VIEWING.” -- BirthMoviesDeath “CHILLING AND DISTURBING.” Product Description Forget what you've seen in blurry bottlegs and crappy budget packs. This first-ever restoration of the depraved Canadian shovker is being hailed as the genre re-discovery of the year: In 1947, a young girl is roasted alive in a car accident. Thirty years later, her grown brother returns to their childhood home with his mentally unstable and seet daughter Cathy. But when the dead aunt's vengeful spirit possesses the child, it will unleach an unnerving nightmare of creepy mediums, demonic dolls, and plenty of sick '70s foul- mouthed mopped mayhem.

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