Apple iPhone XR, US Version, 64GB, Yellow - Unlocked (Renewed) no Wireless em amazon comentários-histórico de preços
Apple iPhone XR, US Version, 64GB, Yellow - Unlocked (Renewed) image_0

Apple iPhone XR, US Version, 64GB, Yellow - Unlocked (Renewed)

$158 - $799.77

Média $342.27

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Avaliação 4

With the iPhone XR you get a roomy 6.1-inch display, fast enough performance from Apple's A12 Bionic processor and good camera quality in a colorful design and affordable package. Apple has included the all-new Liquid Retina LCD as the display on the iPhone XR. Apple released the iPhone XR with a smattering of color options. Both the glass back and the metal frame are brightly colored, with the glass using an in-depth seven-layer color process to achieve the rich finish and the Apple-exclusive aluminum alloy anodized to match. Instead of 3D Touch, the iPhone XR replicates the experience through "Haptic Touch". Advanced Face ID lets you securely unlock your iPhone and log in to apps with just a glance.

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