JOYIN My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle with Music, Fun Smartphone Toys for Baby, Infants, Kids, Boys or Girls, Holiday Stocking Stuffers, Birthday and Kids Presents Toys no Toy em amazon comentários-histórico de preços
JOYIN My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle with Music, Fun Smartphone Toys for Baby, Infants, Kids, Boys or Girls, Holiday Stocking Stuffers, Birthday and Kids Presents Toys image_0

JOYIN My Learning Remote and Phone Bundle with Music, Fun Smartphone Toys for Baby, Infants, Kids, Boys or Girls, Holiday Stocking Stuffers, Birthday and Kids Presents Toys

$9.95 - $30.97

Média $18.56

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Avaliação 5

<b>Double the Toys, Double the Fun!! Why not stimulate your children's Role-Play, Learning and make more fun for your kids with this Baby Remote Control and Phone Bundle?! </b><p> <p>Features: a Baby Remote and a Baby Smartphone. Remote Control features Channels Keys to imitate a TV Remote switching between different channels, Weather Keys to predict cloud, sun, rain and more, Music Keys, Play/Stop Keys to play and stop the sound effect or music, and Big Numbers. My Phone with a Full-Screen Design features Dial/ End Call Buttons, Numbers and Different Icons Playing Realistic Sound Effects: Animal, Calculator, Music, Camera, and more! 4 AAA Batteries Required (Not Included) <p> Made of 100% Child Safe ABS Plastic. Age: 12 Months +. Superior Quality. Super Durable. Easy to Use. <p> This My Remote and Smartphone Bundle with Music Toy is definitely the best choice to promote a cultivating and healthy environment for your child. With all features of these Remote and Phone, Child can improve its Sensory Development, Auditory Learning and Language Development.

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