Fallout Trading Cards Series 1 Complete Base Set with Bonus Cards and Packs ат Video Games ин amazon рецензије-цена-историја
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Fallout Trading Cards Series 1 Complete Base Set with Bonus Cards and Packs

$79.68 - $148.79

Просек $90.44


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Journey through the expansive world of Fallout with Dynamite Entertainment's trading cards series! Fallout fans can now collect trading cards representing their favorite weapons, gear, characters, and much more from this comprehensive collection of art and design that was taken straight from the Bethesda Game Studios archives. Each foil pack includes 10 premium trading cards. This complete base set of Fallout Trading Cards Series 1 features a total of 144 base cards. Also look out for the chance to get any of the 72 Holofoil chase cards, Die-Cut chase cards and 5 Ultra-rare chase cards in the 2 included packs.

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