nintendo ds lite console bundle በ Electronics ውስጥ eBay ግምገማዎች-ዋጋ-ታሪክ
nintendo ds lite console bundle image_0

nintendo ds lite console bundle

እዘዝ በ Ebay

ደረጃ መስጠት 5

This console is suitable for parts or not working. If you are a Nintendo fan looking for a console bundle, this Nintendo DS Lite bundle might be what you need. The console was manufactured in 2006 and supports a resolution under 480p.

በሰከንዶች ውስጥ ብልህ ግብይት

በ AI የበለጠ በጥበብ ይግዙ፡ ውሳኔ አሰጣጥን ያሻሽሉ፣ ፈጣን ግንዛቤዎችን ያግኙ እና ምርጫዎችዎን ይመኑ። ወደ ወደፊት ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ እና ፈጣን ግብይት እንኳን በደህና መጡ።

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