O'SKOOL 10 pcs Brass Router Template Bushing Guides Sets Fit Any Router Sub-Base of The Porter Cable Style på Modèles pour toupie i amazon anmeldelser-pris-historie
O'SKOOL 10 pcs Brass Router Template Bushing Guides Sets Fit Any Router Sub-Base of The Porter Cable Style image_0

O'SKOOL 10 pcs Brass Router Template Bushing Guides Sets Fit Any Router Sub-Base of The Porter Cable Style

$37.69 - $96.87

Gjennomsnitt $61.82

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Vurdering 46

Description This 10 piece Brass Template Guide Kit will significantly expand the use of your router. Ideal for stair routing, pattern and hinge routing, dovetailing, craft/hobby work and other general template operations. Universal design fits any router having a base plate with a 1-3/16"* dia. center hole.

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