Bread Bags for Homemade Bread | 2 Pack XL Organic Linen Sourdough Bread Bags | Reusable Bread Bags | Homemade Bread Storage | Linen Bread Bag | Bread Storage For Homemade Bread pri Bread Boxes v amazon recenzie-cena-história
Bread Bags for Homemade Bread | 2 Pack XL Organic Linen Sourdough Bread Bags | Reusable Bread Bags | Homemade Bread Storage | Linen Bread Bag | Bread Storage For Homemade Bread image_0

Bread Bags for Homemade Bread | 2 Pack XL Organic Linen Sourdough Bread Bags | Reusable Bread Bags | Homemade Bread Storage | Linen Bread Bag | Bread Storage For Homemade Bread

$$21.99 - $$22.99

Priemerná $$22.49

Certified Organic Linen Reusable Bread Bag. These are the perfect linen bread bags for sourdough! Our XL homemade bread bags with a BPA-free liner keeps bread from drying out compared to soley linen bread bags. Storing anything from 2 standard loaves, to artisan sourdough, to at least 30 dinner rolls! While ditching single use plastics and storebought bread, our bread bags for homemade bread sourdough are an easy swap for your bread adventures. Enjoy these bread bags reusable for years to come!

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