PUMA Men's TAZON 6 FM Cross Training Sneaker, Puma White-Puma Black-Puma Silver, 9 pri Shoes v amazon recenzie-cena-história
PUMA Men's TAZON 6 FM Cross Training Sneaker, Puma White-Puma Black-Puma Silver, 9 image_0

PUMA Men's TAZON 6 FM Cross Training Sneaker, Puma White-Puma Black-Puma Silver, 9

$13.99 - $145.76

Priemerná $56.47

A sleek, streamlined silhouette sets the PUMA tazon 6 shoe apart from the rest. This stylish sneaker sports a synthetic leather upper with midfoot saddle for maximum fit and comfort while eva in the heel absorbs impact.

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