Pet Zone Elevated Dog Bowls Designer Diner 3 Height Adjustable Raised Dog Bowl Stand with 2 Stainless Steel Dog Bowls (7 Cup Capacity Each) pri Pet Products v amazon recenzie-cena-história
Pet Zone Elevated Dog Bowls Designer Diner 3 Height Adjustable Raised Dog Bowl Stand with 2 Stainless Steel Dog Bowls (7 Cup Capacity Each) image_0

Pet Zone Elevated Dog Bowls Designer Diner 3 Height Adjustable Raised Dog Bowl Stand with 2 Stainless Steel Dog Bowls (7 Cup Capacity Each)

$1.29 - $80.11

Priemerná $28.59

The Pet Zone Designer Diner is an elevated dog feeder that supports digestion and reduces joint strain for your pet. Its raised design encourages better digestion and alleviates bloating and gassiness, especially important as your dog ages. Adaptable to your pet's growth, the non-slip stand is easy to assemble and offers three adjustable heights: 2.75 inches for small dogs and cats, 8 inches for medium dogs, and 12 inches for large dogs. Its height and durable design & materials accommodates your pet from puppyhood to senior years. The Designer Diner includes two durable, dishwasher-safe stainless steel bowls, each holding up to 6.5 cups of food or water. The modern espresso finish with wood grain accents complements any space. The rust-resistant, sturdy construction guarantees durability. When not in use, easily remove the legs for compact storage.

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