Life Enhancement Potassium Supplement, 1020 mg,120 Servings, 240 caps Tại Drugstore TRONG amazon đánh giá-giá-lịch sử
Life Enhancement Potassium Supplement, 1020 mg,120 Servings, 240 caps image_0

Life Enhancement Potassium Supplement, 1020 mg,120 Servings, 240 caps

$15.59 - $53.16

Trung bình $21.38

Life Enhancement Products Manufacture Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw Formulations Modern human dietary requirements were encoded into our DNA during evolution starting with the Paleolithic diet, which contained about 35% meat and about 65% plant foods. Moreover, these foods of the early human diet had a different composition than foods do today, including a much higher level of potassium (from fruits and vegetables) and much less acid-forming content (because of the increased ratio of plant to animal foods). The change to a low potassium, high acid-forming content diet has had a profound impact on many aspects of wellness and healthy aging. So get into the swing of things (no club intended) and make Potassium Basics a regular part of your supplement program today!

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