Glass Wool for Sound Proofing and Insulation Piping (250 Gram) bij Lab Chemicals in amazon beoordelingen-prijs-geschiedenis
Glass Wool for Sound Proofing and Insulation Piping (250 Gram) image_0

Glass Wool for Sound Proofing and Insulation Piping (250 Gram)

$290 - $4,999

Gemiddeld $2,644.50

Glass wool is an insulating material made from fibres of glass arranged using a binder into a texture similar to wool. The process traps many small pockets of air between the glass, and these small air pockets result in high thermal insulation properties.Glass wool is produced in rolls or in slabs, with different thermal and mechanical properties. It may also be produced as a material that can be sprayed or applied in place, on the surface to be insulated.

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